XSTIG: iPhone 4S is coming here in the Philippines

I love the iPhone and how it revolutionized the way people do things with applications or apps.  We were not  used to apple products because of the dominance of other brands. However, when the demand began to rise, many (including me) have seen its features and amazing innovation that also made the world go 'WOW'.

Though the founder of Apple and the iPhone, Steve Jobs is gone, he left with the dawn of the newest generation of the iPhone, The iPhone 4S. This phone has been the talk of the town for months and people await what 'magic' it possess. And indeed on its launch in the US, it was well received by the public with features like the 8 megapixel camera, iOS5 and Siri (an voice operated program that can understand and executes the command for easier use).

Now those featured of the iPhone 4S has arrived here in the Philippines and I bet many Filipinos are excited to have one. The mobile carriers Globe and Smart are offering the availability of the iPhone 4S on December 16. However as a Globe subscriber for almost 8 years now, I would definitely go have an iPhone 4S with them since I love to use the services that I have been using in the past years. And Globe has always been the first distributor of the iPhone brands for quite some time now thus earning a lot of trust and subscribers.

Now we are in this season of Christmas shopping and festivities, its great to reward yourself (and myself) with the iPhone 4S. I would go with Globe for both practical and personal reasons. We are indeed excited for the coming of Steve Job's legacy here in the country, and hopefully be selling like hot pancakes.

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