10 Things I Wish Shopee Should Have!

Online shopping is a growing culture for Filipinos, and Shopee is one of those sites/apps that offer convenience shopping for many of us. I've have been shopping there for mostly gadgets which are incredibly affordable and hard to find in stores. 

With almost countless of products available in the Shopee with its merchants, it seems there is everything is online. But there are some things that we would also like to see available in the website which will really complete our shopping experience.

Let me share 10 Things I Wish Shopee Would Have!


The internet exploded with people dressing up as a dinosaur and doing odd things that usual dinosaurs don't do. This fun costume is large yet it made a cute impression online and even made it to American Ninja Warior. Oh the things we can do with this one!

One of the things I love that Elon Musk introduced recently is the Solar Roof Tiles. They are aesthetically pleasing yet they can harness the power of the sun and make them into electrical energy. It will be very useful this summer as the sun gives off it powerful rays, so why not make use of it and even save on the electricity bill?


Being part of the Pinoy Komiks Community makes me proud of work of fellow artists and how they have evolved through the years. With some already have works on sale in book stores and conventions, it would be great for many Filipinos to know that Pinoy komiks like Pugad Baboy,Kiko Machine Komix, Zsazsa Zathurnah and many more. Hopefully I would also release mine soon as well.


If you are up to some aboriginal music from down under, you might know about the Didgeridoo with its unique tune. Since there is a lot of common instruments like guitar, violin and drums, having a Dingeridoo can bring an exotic vibe to our homes and lives.


We are also excited for the upcoming Solo Star Wars Movie and having your own Millennium Falcon would do the trick. But it would be really better if it was made out of Legos! This lego version is highly coveted and the buyer and seller of this would really both be happy. 

Summer is here and we are all heading to the beach, and to truly experience the sun, sea and sand is with a surfboard and ride the waves! It would be less of a hassle if we can order up our own surfboards and take a road trip to our favorite beach and play all day, wouldn't be that be great?


Summer heat is killing us even with our Air Conditioner open, we do need to have SNOW. Yes, snow is probably the best thing to have in this scorching heat. If we cannot go to the beach or cold mountains, we can definitely feel and look look with a winter wonderland in the middle of summer.


I always wanted one and try it on a live crowd. This contraption is more than just a novelty launcher but also a cool way to hype up the crowd. You can also shoot a lot of things with this like toys and other freebies. I hope this will be available when I will have my own concert or game in the future.


Going beyond the usual needs and wants, having a Faberge Egg would make everyone green with envy. The design and how its made amazes me and would like to have one as well.  Who needs paintings is you have your own Faberge Egg?


Just in time for Avengers: Infinity Wars, an Infinity Gauntlet would be the perfect toy for the Thanos-at-Heart. Though you cannot destroy the universe with it but definitely will make you powerful even if you just put you hand inside. But please don't snap it.

This list was not easy to do as I have checked (and double checked) with Shopee.ph website  and almost everything is in there! Just in time for summer where we usually don't want to go out spending to much time to do shopping. We can order our items while on the beach and they will be delivered soon as we get home!

How about you? Do you have anything to add to this list?  Share it in the comments! I also made a must have list this summer which you can find in Shopee!

Let me also share you a special discount code from Manual To Lyf! Get P80 off on your first purchase! Because you deserve it, make your shopping fun and easy  with Shopee!

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