Blah Blah Blogs: Annual New Year Obligatory Post 2016

Well it has been a ______ year 2015.

Fill in the blanks and make it fun. This will be technically my first personal blog for the year 2016 and I would like to make this an annual obligatory blog post that will serve as my year ender report (for the heck of it) and the plans and visions for the year 2016.

For me the year 2015 is the year of great beginnings, I declared it the year of success and travels. I did had my first plane flight to Davao for Palarong Pambansa which is also my first time to visit Mindanao. I also won contest with one of the best (and practical) prize was the Acer Chromebook which I am now using for blogging and browsing. Also I also got the Asus ZenFone Laser which increased productivity with its functions and apps. 

It is also another great year of achievements with more than 2 million views on YouTube, 2000 subscribers, 1200+ followers on twitter, 1300+ followers on Instagram. Now I aim for a thousand likes for Facebook, higher blog traffic and engagements. More sponsorship and more giveaways!

Quitting my job is the biggest risk I took for the year as I again have to be mindful of my finances but I am happy with longer sleep hours and more experiences gained this year. Visiting Baguio and La Union are my urban escape this year.  Trying adventures like in Pioneer Travel Buddy which exhausted me a lot with the challenges we been to. Meeting more celebrities this year and even have them on #SlumbookSeries and yes one of them is Maria Ozawa!

Now for the new year, what would I aim for? Well I had a premonition with my dream that I will be in many events, appreciating science and technology more when I spotted a farming robot in a remote place in Taguig, and also discovered a hippopotamus in a nearby lake. Then when I get to place I was sent to, I saw the refection of my back with a toned body. So with these fantasies, I came up with my yearly declaration of the year 2016 as the year of Science and Health. 

Yes SCIENCE, it was my first love and what drove me to be an engineer. Looking on how vast I can do with science and technology that I can play with. Though it maybe vague, it is still a great vision that I can look forward for the year. And HEALTH for a better me, along with fitness, being healthy is indeed what we should always aim for the year and for the rest of our lives. 

2016 will be pivotal for the country and the world. Elections here and the US, the ASEAN Integration, The Rio Olympics, and another year for us to feel and experience LYF. 

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