Showing posts with label Combi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Combi. Show all posts

Combi hits all the right notes

How can unrelated things be combined into something really big and fun for an amazing result? The many fans of Rebisco's Combi crackers found out when they participated in the Combi World's Biggest POPulation Song!

Held from June 5 to July 25, 2015, people were encouraged to send in video sound clips that matched the weekly themes. These clips were intended to be used in an extraordinary song in which all clips would be combined! For each time period, the best clips were selected and rewarded with cool Humlan headphones from notable audio specialist Urbanears.

The result was overwhelming. In just over a month, more than 500 video sound clips had been received, comprising a wide range of interesting and creative sound bites from sources ranging from household items to animals and even body parts! The best, however, was yet to come.