Showing posts with label Dave Chappelle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dave Chappelle. Show all posts

A Star Is Born - Emotional Encounter Of Music And Movies

The wait for Lady Gaga to star in her starring role is indeed over with the perfect material for her, a story with music, stardom, and drama. A Star Is Born had been brought to many live in the past and now found its way to 2018 starring Mother Monster and Bradley Cooper. But let us take a moment to see that with his film, Lady Gaga completely sheds her pop star skin to grow a new kind of musical idol within her and owning it.

This film is also a first for Bradley Cooper for his directorial debut. He has been nominated for the Academy Awards as an actor, and there could be a possibility that this one could also get him a directorial nomination. The film feels like a complete album coming to life with all the love, heartbreaks, struggles, passion, and some profanity along the way. 

Basically the gist of the story is boy meets girl, fell in love, made music together, girl becomes more famous than guy then it can now progress into more complicated and darker things after that. Even though I haven't seen one of past remakes, this one proved to be worthy of rich music that transcends into many genres and styles.