Showing posts with label Flavors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flavors. Show all posts

12-12-12 Package From Lipton!

I got a package in the mail  which made my 12-12-12. It was a pack of Lipton Tea with a set of flavors like vanilla, banana, almond and pandan. It also came with fruit juices which can also be mixed with Lipton tea.

Well when I was a kid, I never liked tea. It was back when iced tea became popular that I tasted tea and eventually liked it and tried thousands of variants since then. But I liked Lipton Yellow Tea because they are convenient and also have a rich flavor in each bag. 

I also noticed in every box Lipton is the word "Hirameki" which is based on a Japanese word meaning "flash of inspiration". In the box it shows a different yet fun way of preparing a cup of tea with Lipton teabags.