Showing posts with label Information. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Information. Show all posts

XSTIG: The changing landscape of the local music scene

As most things go in a world that is continuously changing, music also had to evolve. These radical shifts came with every generation. Where vinyl and 8-tracks once filled teenage bedrooms in 70s, cassette tapes came and took over in the 80s. Then came CDs and Discmans when the 90s rolled in. At the turn of the millennium, mp3 players and iPods were introduced. And most recently, if you are among the early adopters who were willing to abandon the way you have bought and listened to music for the last decade, you deleted your iTunes library and put your trust in the cloud. 

Green and “Gento”: SB19 Joins Puregold’s All-Star OPM Lineup

SB19’s fab five of Josh, Pablo, Stell, Ken, and Justin, have officially joined the Puregold family Puregold has officially confirmed its col...