Showing posts with label Silent Hero. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Silent Hero. Show all posts

The Liver Is More Important Than We Think It Is

After the skin the liver is the largest organ in the body which many think takes too much space and does only a single function. However looking into the what the liver actually does and how it is a very important internal organ, we may need to give this hardworking organ a "pat on the back" or even a reward for going beyond the mile in terms of taking care of the body.

To learn more about the other functions of the liver, we were given a talk that tells all about the liver and how it is important to take care of it. And for starters it is located at the right side of the abdomen and takes a lot of space in the digestive system.

Could AI Work With Dance? G-Force Makes It Possible!

With Artificial Intelligence or AI now growing to be part of everyday lives, from visual arts, graphic design, video, who knew that it can a...