Showing posts with label Take A Chance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Take A Chance. Show all posts

MUSIC LYF: Luigi D'Avola Launches His Debut Album

Recognized as Monster Radio's OPM artist of the year 2013, Luigi D'Avola has gained ground as a rising star in the english OPM with hits such as "Take A Chance" (which is also the no. 1 song in the RX 2013 OPM countdown) and "Trouble".

Managed and produced by Mecca Music by Champ Lui Pio (former vocalist of the band HALE) who manages Somedaydream, and both have strong market for teens and college students. Luigi is on the track of making his own mark in the industry as newcomer with a niche OPM.

Could AI Work With Dance? G-Force Makes It Possible!

With Artificial Intelligence or AI now growing to be part of everyday lives, from visual arts, graphic design, video, who knew that it can a...