Showing posts with label Team Mariah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Team Mariah. Show all posts

This is American Idol Season 12!

Are you Team Minaj or Team Mariah?

That is the question for the fans of the new season of Amercian Idol which is having a new set of judges with the sole original hudge Randy Jackson and host Ryan Parentheses new season is expected to be hot with the clash of two lady judges Mariah Carey and Nicky Minaj. If you ask me, I'm going with Nicky Minaj because she may be young but has achieved a lot and proved to be a worthy artist that is never afraid of being normal to show musicality and innovation. Mariah is also a great diva with her timeless songs, great voice and hot body at her age definitely is worthy of an idol judge slate.

Now I am expecting a lot from the new set of judges as I, in the past years, grew less of a fan of the previous seasons because there wasn't something new. This season might actually be a saving grace to pioneer singing reality show of the US. The premiere of the new season goes full swing with its live telecast on Starworld.

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