Showing posts with label animals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label animals. Show all posts

Have you Heard Of AQ? Know Them with Your Kids Through ZooMoo

We know IQ is Intelligence Quotient, EQ is Emotional Quotient, but AQ is a new term I just encountered. And this one is important to kids because it means Animal Quotient. Yes, we need to have an awareness of how we know animals and how to take care of them. Raising kids having good knowledge and values towards living things is indeed a great trait for every child.

Since TV is one of places where kids learn and understand the world, we continue to look for child-friendly channels and shows suited for them. Since the online world is a very risky place, we would resort to TV particularly cable. 

Good thing that ZooMoo is now available in SkyCable which is dedicated for child-safe shows and entertainment meant to develop their AQ. Think of it as a combination of your favorite animal channels cater made for your children. Plus since we usually don't have access to zoos and the wild, this is the best place where they can learn about animals, conservation, nature, and their participation in the future.

Blah Blah Blog RAINY DAYS: To Zoo or Not To Zoo?

TO ZOO OR NOT TO ZOO... That is the question.

Another trendsetter this week was the Infamous condition of the Manila Zoo posted in a post by The post showed the very poor condition of the animals with their nutrition and also their health and also untreated wounds. It is really a sad to see the animals at this conditions, especially it was my first zoo experience in my life. And I have been to several other zoos like Avilon and Malabon which takes good care of the animals. Though I prefer seeing animals in the wild but zoos can be a source of a sanctuary for animals that needs special care and not primarily for entertainment. 

Watch the first trailer for M. Night Shyamalan’s thrilling new movie “Trap”

A father and his teen daughter attend a pop concert, only to get caught in the center of a dark and sinister event. Trap is the next new thr...