Showing posts with label bacteria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bacteria. Show all posts

The Attack of Bacteria: What You Need To Know About The Enemy

Good oral hygiene begins and ends with bacteria. Start with a healthy environment for good bacteria to grow, and maintain this regimen by preventing bad bacteria from accumulating and causing plaque, cavities, and bad breath.

Win the fight against the bacteria in your mouth with oral care habits, starting with the food you eat. Avoid sugary and starchy food, consume more vegetables, and drink your eight glasses of water a day. After eating, always brushing your teeth, use oral care products with anti-bacterial features, and clean your tongue with scrapers or your tooth brush. By knowing the enemy of good oral hygiene, you can easily win the fight against it.

HEALTHY LYF: Be Prepared for the SUPERBUG!

The Wet Season is here again and this means the start of the sickness season. With typhoons now entering the country more often, the spread of diseases are also on the rise. One of them is the deadly antibiotic-resistant bacteria better known as the “superbug”. These bacteria is like a superhero that is resistant even with mankind’s most powerful class of antibiotics, the carbapenems, is ineffective against them and they have the potential to cause fatal illnesses. Philippine health authorities warn us that the country is at risk of superbug infection.

Could AI Work With Dance? G-Force Makes It Possible!

With Artificial Intelligence or AI now growing to be part of everyday lives, from visual arts, graphic design, video, who knew that it can a...