Showing posts with label Akoyo Kg Plastik. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Akoyo Kg Plastik. Show all posts

Let's Make #AyokoNgPlastik Literally and Figuratively Happen.

We can all agree that we hate (single-use) plastics that has already made a huge damage in the world. But solving this is not easy, but doable. We just need to lend our hands to make this idea a reality. WWF Philippines the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Philippines, together with Ayala Malls and other partner corporations, recently launched the #AyokoNgPlastik movement at Glorietta 2 Activity Center.

With eight million tons of plastic ending up in oceans every year, the Philippines ranks as the world’s third plastic polluter of oceans. The #AyokoNgPlastik movement hopes to address these alarming facts by bringing together companies, individuals, and other sectors to minimize and eventually put a stop to single-use plastics such as straws, bags, bottles, and cups. Refusing these is a simple yet strong first step that individuals can take to commit to a sustainable lifestyle, especially since the harm that these materials cause directly affect humans.

Makesense Asia launches groundbreaking tech product: Jobs_that_makesense Asia empowering Southeast Asians to discover purpose-driven careers that resonate with their aspirations!

Jobs_that_makesense Asia signifies a significant milestone in the realm of job opportunities, poised to revolutionize the landscape of impac...