Showing posts with label Daniela Federici. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daniela Federici. Show all posts

SARAH JESSICA PARKER’s ‘Love To Shop’ for The SM Store brought together world-class glam team

When The SM Store created the ‘Love To Shop’ expression for Sarah Jessica Parker, it required involving Parker's official glam team starting with her own make-up artist, hair stylist, official stylist and of course, a world-renowned photographer. And who better to create an amazing campaign for The SM Store other than Sarah Jessica Parker’s own glam team!

Meet the amazing team of world-class fashion authorities and professionals that created the fabulous “Love To Shop’ for The SM Store featuring A-List fashion icon SARAH JESSICA PARKER!

TRACY COX (Official Stylist)

Tracy Cox and Sarah's relationship began with Sex And The City. He was the man behind the dress in the iconic series finale exit scene of Sex in the City. In the episode, SJP lost a row of diamonds amongst layers of luxe tulle that could very well pass for the most exquisite ballerina dress of all time.

Tracy also created the link FASTERTHANPARIS, the gifted brainchild between Tracy Cox and Troy Arnold, and was featured in Vogue’s September issue. Back in 2009, the duo met through mutual friend Nicholas Kirkwood who suggested the two link up on a project. At the time, Tracy (whose original dream was to be a ballet dancer) was a stylist.

Check out Tracy Cox's collections at

Could AI Work With Dance? G-Force Makes It Possible!

With Artificial Intelligence or AI now growing to be part of everyday lives, from visual arts, graphic design, video, who knew that it can a...