Showing posts with label Jessica Rothe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jessica Rothe. Show all posts

Sidekick Becomes Main Protagonist in "Happy Death Day 2U"

As director-writer Christopher Landon developed the characters in Universal Pictures’ new suspense thriller Happy Death Day 2U -- the sequel to the 2017 acclaimed box-office hit Happy Death Day -- it was important to give unexpected arcs to supporting players.

(Trailer at YouTube:

A great example is with Ryan (Pitch Perfect’s Phi Vu), Carter’s (Israel Broussard) annoying roommate: “Last time, Ryan was just a douchey guy barging in the room,” Landon says. “Happy Death Day 2U picks up just where the last film left off. We shot that scene when he interrupts Tree and Carter kissing from Ryan’s point of view. Where before Ryan was just this random guy barging in, now we discover he’s a brilliant, shining star in the science department—one who has created a device that loops time.”

Jessica Rothe, Back 2 Her Future in "Happy Death Day 2U"

Jessica Rothe leads the returning cast of Happy Death Day 2U, the follow-up to Blumhouse’s (Glass, Split, Get Out, The Purge series) surprise 2017 hit of riveting, repeating twists and comic turns. This time, our hero Tree Gelbman (Rothe) discovers that dying over and over was surprisingly easier than the dangers that lie ahead. 

Director-writer Christopher Landon was thrilled that his star agreed to join the production for another time loop. One of Landon’s favorite parts of the sequel is the moment that Tree discovers she’s trapped in the same day. “Jessica has such great access to her comedic anger,” Landon says. He also appreciated just how seriously Rothe took the themes of love and loss. “She really understood the emotional stakes of both movies and connected with this one just as much—she made it as thoughtful and emotional as the first film was. For both of us, it was important to be more than a disposable slasher film; we wanted to give this a heart and conscience and have it say something.”

College Girl Makes Every Death Count in "Happy Death Day"

She made waves despite a brief but memorable supporting role opposite Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling in the Oscar-winning La La Land. Now, star-on-the-rise Jessica Rothe lands the lead role in Universal Pictures' new suspense-thriller Happy Death Day (in Philippine cinemas Oct. 18).

Watch the Trailer of New Slasher Film "Happy Death Day"

Universal Pictures and Blumhouse have released the first trailer for the new horror film Happy Death Day. Co-written and directed by Christopher Landon (Scouts' Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse).

Blumhouse (Split, Get Out, Whiplash) produces an original and inventive rewinding thriller in Happy Death Day, in which a college student (Jessica Rothe, La La Land) relives the day of her murder with both its unexceptional details and terrifying end until she discovers her killer’s identity.

Could AI Work With Dance? G-Force Makes It Possible!

With Artificial Intelligence or AI now growing to be part of everyday lives, from visual arts, graphic design, video, who knew that it can a...