Showing posts with label Kitchen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kitchen. Show all posts

Philips partners with celebrity mom for a week of kitchen wonders

Motherly pep meets award-winning kitchen solutions in new video series

How many times have you ever wanted to treat your loved ones to a nice full-course meal, only to find that you're too tired and don't have enough time to prepare?

Time has become a luxury for the modern family, with busy schedules getting in the way of spending quality time together. Because the family’s fondest memories often take place around the dinner table, special attention has to be given to the quality of the food you serve. What better way to show your love than to cook everyone's favorite dishes, but with that distinctly healthy twist?

XSTIG: LG Your Lifetime Kitchen Essential

The kitchen serves at the center of your home, a focal point where families start their day and where family and friends gather. An important kitchen essential is the refrigerator, without it, our culinary options to enjoy and store food would be limited. That’s why it is very important that the consumer will be wiser in choosing the perfect refrigerator for you and your family.

Based on the consumer survey, the important factor that consumer is looking for is the “Energy and Health Benefits” that a refrigerator can provide. LG has gone the extra mile in creating a unique core technology by putting the customer at the heart of the equation. With that, LG formulated the “Inverter Linear Compressor” which is proven to be energy compliant for bigger savings.

“Tarot” drums up scares as unsuspecting moviegoers find out their fate

Tarot brought nightmares to life at The Grove in Los Angeles, California, as they pranked unsuspecting moviegoers with the monsters of Tarot...