Showing posts with label comunion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label comunion. Show all posts

XSTIG: Cloud Computing Buzzing even for ComUnion ERP

The need for reliable programs and systems are a must as technology grows exponentially.  A buzz has been going on for Cloud Computing applications in the past years. It’s been a movement that deduces what lacks the on-premise software and servers of the nineties. 

Its 2001 and you might say it is what every industry does, outrun the latest trends and breathe fire to new ones; however, Cloud Computing is not just a fad like the others, it is here to stay. For one cloud computing is young and constantly evolving. If you ask a number of people regarding cloud computing you will get different answers because it’s been used differently. An overview description of it is that, cloud computing allows users to access a particular server using cyberspace as the platform.