Showing posts with label Globe Business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Globe Business. Show all posts

Top corporations Participate in Globe Business’ Golf Tournament

Representatives of the country’s top corporations gathered for a friendly golf competition organized by Globe Business for its clientele. The Globe Connections Cup hailed Fred Castro of Steel Asia Mfg as the 1st runner-up winner, while Nancy Co of Green Cross emerged as the competition’s 2nd runner-up.

The semi-shotgun tournament also declared Bobby Gabriel of AC-1 Transport and Ramon Antonio Veloso of RR Donnelley Inc. as the Low Net Champion and the Low Gross Champion, respectively. 

The event, which was held at the Ayala Greenfield Golf and Leisure Park in Calamba, Laguna, was a way to highlight how making connections is valuable for the success of any enterprise. All winners were given a special glass trophy.

“The word ’connect’ could mean many things, and for innovative businessmen this could be about connecting their businesses with their customers; connecting themselves with information; and connecting with others to create new opportunities,” said Gil Genio, Head of Globe Business.

From the Galaxy to the BINIverse: Catch BINI’s livestream on May 3

Blooms, unite! Get ready to blossom with #TeamGalaxy BINI and dive into the excitement about the latest Galaxy A series by joining them live...