Another clash movie of the year is the awaited movie of the Marvel Cinematic Universe of 2016, Captain America: Civil War puts all heroes into the big screen not fighting bad guys but each other. As ironic it may sound, it does seems inevitable that they would not always be on the same boat.
Known to be one of the biggest clashes in the Marvel universe, Civil War is really literal. There was sides chosen upon the presentation of an accord that leaves them with a choice of following the directive of many nations or free to act upon the need to help. But we all know it is a complicated world with all the politics, policies, and amplified with the possible threats that their abilities can inflict to humanity.
This defines the line of "Captain America" which like the US is always politically connected with the current threats of society like terrorism and espionage. As some would see it as another Avengers movie with the introduction of Spider-Man, Ant Man, and Black Panter, it never forgets that it is Cap's movie.
With many conspiracies, secrets, needs to be established, there would be a longer time of dialogues and word wars more than the actual fight scenes. Many would find it boring, but I think they are really needed to further understand what is going on.