7-Election is On, Who is Your Presidentiable?

It has been a very hectic and toxic election season, along with the raging heat of El Nino makes it a really heated campaign figuratively and literally. We also have our own bets who will be the next President of the republic. And what great way to show support to our favorite presidentiables and beat the heat is getting refreshed with 7-eleven's unique campaign called 7-Election.

With 7-Eleven’s informal and unofficial presidential poll involving not vote-counting machines but GULP® softdrinks and GULP® juices in fun-colored GULP® cups, you can now promote and support your presidential candidate in a fun way. The 7-Election 2016, which mainly aims to promote awareness about the coming Philippine Presidential Election, runs in all 7-Eleven stores until May 2. 

To participate in this GULP® poll, head to any 7-Eleven store, look for the colorful 7-Election cups and choose among the five different presidential GULP® cups featuring the presidential candidates: independent candidate Grace Poe, People’s Reform Party leader Miriam Defensor Santiago, Liberal Party standard-bearer Mar Roxas, PDP-Laban presidentiable Rodrigo Duterte and United Nationalist Alliance bet Jejomar Binay.

This concept has actually been done years ago, back in 2010 when the last Presidential election was held. It originated in the United States where Presidential elections happens every four years, and ever since, the concept of "vote buying" showing support predicted the winner. Although one must know that this is a consumer driven poll, so it is unscientific, unofficial, and statistically biased exclusively to customers. But since all sectors of society are also 7-eleven customers, results yield really close to the actual figures, like when Aquino was proclaimed winner back in 2010 in which he also won by a landslide.

Now that election day is just a few days away, it would be a great way to show how proud are you with your candidate and quench you thirst at the same time! Remember that the true measure will always be the polls, and whatever would be the results is, we as an individual hold the real future of the country. 

 7-Election’s official media partners are Rappler and CNN Philippines. 

 For more updates, visit the website (www.7-election.com.ph) or follow its Facebook page (www.facebook.com/711philippines), Twitter (www.twitter.com/711philippines) and Instagram (@711ph). 

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