In 1984, visionary director James Cameron introduced a game-changer in the sci-fi-action movie genre with the first Terminator – a film that pulled audiences into a thrilling world of cyborgs, AI supercomputers, time travel, and alternate futures.
Now, the renowned filmmaker returns for Terminator: Dark Fate, working closely with the film’s current director, Tim Miller who breathes new life to the saga. Cameron describes Terminator: Dark Fate as a direct sequel to Terminator 2, one that recaptures the riveting tone of the original Terminator and its follow-up. “It has the same intensity, the same take-no-prisoners feeling and sense of abject terror,” he says.
Making Terminator: Dark Fate his own, Tim Miller shared how he balanced the fresh but familiar feel of the film. “We all felt strongly that the film should be in some way a handoff to new characters, but we wanted to continue the structure of the “trinity” consisting of hunters, protectors, and prey,” he says.