THE GLORY OF SACRIFICE: How The Ancient Warriors Proved Their Worth

Spartan army were considered to be the greatest warriors of all time. They were the most feared military forces during the 6th – 4th century B.C.  Sparta was a military powerhouse and their soldiers’ skills in warfare were unmatchable.

To achieve their prestigious title which is celebrated until today, these warriors had to go through the roughest training one could imagine. During the reign of the Spartan warriors, every boy born was screened by their elders to know if he could be a member of the elite army. These babies were examined physically, any baby considered weak was left to die. Those infants who passed the inspection were raised in tough love, ignored when they cried, raised not to fear the dark, and were bathed in wine instead of water.

As early as seven years old, the young boys were brought to “Agoge”, a military boarding school funded by the government in which they trained until they were 20. In school, they were conditioned for battle and survival. These young boys were brutally trained to be tough and be physically, mentally, and spiritually ready for battle. At a young age, they had to find ways for shelter as they slept outdoors all year round; to hunt or steal food, but when they were caught stealing they were punished by flogging.

The soldier life was the only option for these men to be considered citizens of Sparta, they served the army full-time until they reached 30, and only then were they allowed to marry. Spartan soldiers stayed on active duty until the age of 60.

In the modern times, the Spartan glory is celebrated thru movies, documentaries, and TV shows. Spartan: Ultimate Team Challenge is one of the TV shows loyal to the Spartan concept, it showcases the strenuous training the ancient warriors went through. The show is a race designed to test one’s strength, endurance, and willpower, and every move can make or break them. The race proves to be one of the world’s most gruelling obstacle course ever developed.
While the Spartan’s way of training no longer applies in our time, there are qualities which were adapted by those who like to push themselves to the limit. The elite army didn’t earn their title overnight, they worked hard, day and night, rain or shine, and giving up was never an option. The harsh training made the spirit of the soldiers resilient, which is also one of the greatest quality an athlete needs to overcome the Spartan Race. While there was no need to sleep outdoors, or hunt for food, the discipline, hard work, patience, and focus greatly manifest in the heart of these athletes.

Slated to premiere on RTL CBS Extreme on 22 April 2017, 9:35PM (8:35 JKT/BKK), Spartan: Ultimate Team Challenge will show how far tedious training, and strong determination can take an individual. A team composed of two men, two women, and one Spartan Elite athlete compete against five other well trained teams, in a one mile loop with obstacles they’ve never seen before, for a chance to win $250,000.

Follow the journey of these strong-willed individuals and see whose team will make it to be the ultimate race warriors. Follow us at and at @rtlcbsextreme on Twitter and Instagram for more updates.

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