Showing posts with label Literary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Literary. Show all posts

#LoveShots: Coffee Lover's Club - Same Difference.

Another day in the shop, the reliable perk up place - The Coffee Lover's Club, give life and love to all who enter its caffeinated doors. Whatever drink you prefer, the overall experience makes everything better even the worst days.

The shop was filled with customers that afternoon. It was the day before the finals of many students, a midweek report day for the employees, and a siesta moment for the Titas and Titos who were just done with their shopping.

Watch the first trailer for M. Night Shyamalan’s thrilling new movie “Trap”

A father and his teen daughter attend a pop concert, only to get caught in the center of a dark and sinister event. Trap is the next new thr...