Showing posts with label Mobile Internet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mobile Internet. Show all posts

XSTIG: How technology helps students study better

How are computers and the Internet helping students learn in school? As more and more schools use computers and the Internet in their classrooms, there have been several improvements in how students nowadays are getting their education. These improvements, which have been noted by teachers and school administrators, include the following :

Independence and information gathering. By connecting to the Internet, students learn how to do their own research. The wealth of information available on the Web plus the ease of using search engines give students more independence and confidence, as well as increased skill, when it comes to finding relevant data and putting this data together to meet a learning requirement or goal.

PLDT and Cignal TV support Philippine Hosting of 2025 FIVB Volleyball Men’s World Championship

(L-R) Sen Alan Peter S. Cayetano, DOT Office of Film and Sports Tourism Director Roberto Alabado III, Mediaquest Holdings Inc. and Cignal TV...