Showing posts with label National Retail Conference and Stores Asia Expo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label National Retail Conference and Stores Asia Expo. Show all posts

Globe Business Introduces Omnichannel Retailing at 28th NRCE 2022

Businesses, particularly retailers, have encountered a mix of uphill battles and discovered inventive maneuvers to stay afloat despite COVID-19. To celebrate the resilience that is retail, the 28th National Retail Conference and Stores Asia Expo 2022 (NCRE) went live with a physical event to once again give retailers a platform to take advantage of new skills, learnings, and technologies as they keep pace with the ever-changing needs and demands of their consumers.

Organized by the Philippine Retailers Association (PRA), this two-day event aimed to educate retailers about the latest data-backed industry trends and developments and allowed them to touch base with a vast network and connect with new prospective partners. Many industry leaders shared nuggets of wisdom on retailing through “sponsor sessions” or talks about improvements in customer service, consumer trends in this evolving world, leveraging on consumer loyalty, and how the pandemic changed the Philippine and global markets entirely. Breakout sessions introduced the Metaverse (a shared multidimensional virtual environment where people can interact socially and professionally), how social e-commerce shapes the future of shopping, and global talent trends. These industry leaders also provided short mentorship programs to help shape the future of retail.