Showing posts with label Neurobion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Neurobion. Show all posts

Sam, Suzie, and Gabby Wants Your To Feel To Win Against Nueropathy

How will you feel if suddenly, you can no longer do simple daily tasks? Most Filipinos admit to feeling the frustration. But what they don’t know is that this inability might actually be the result of undiagnosed Neuropathy or nerve damage—symptoms of which include pangangalay, pamamanhid and tusok-tusok.

Naturally, nerves can regenerate or repair when damaged, but only for a certain time. Once 50% or more of the nerve tissue is damaged, the nerve reaches the “point of no return,” which means that the nerve damage is permanent. That is why Neurobion wants Filipinos to take necessary action to prevent neuropathy, and those people who are already experiencing the symptoms should consult their doctors immediately.

HEALTHY LYF: 90’s Iconic Dance Groups Reunite for Neuropathy Awareness

Dancing is one of the greatest expressions of the joy of living. Yet, this burst of joyful energy can easily stop when you experience nagging discomforts such as numbness, tingling sensations and body pain.

Pain in the hand, arms and legs caused by nerve damage is called Neuropathy, which can leave you feeling numb, making it difficult for you to function properly. Neuropathy afflicts many Filipinos as early as their mid-20’s, but this condition is often misdiagnosed so they do not receive the proper treatment. 

UMD, Manoeuvres, Sexbomb Reunite for Dance Concert

It's going to be the Ultimate Throwback event of 2014 as the Universal Universal Motion Dancers (UMD), Manoeuvres, and Sexbomb Dancers reunite for one Massive Dance Concert!
Watch these three iconic dance groups perform at the Trinoma Activity Center on Monday March 31, 2014, to raise awareness for Neuropathy or nerve damage – a condition with symptoms like pamamanhid, tusok-tusok, and pangangawit.

This event is organized by Neurobion, a Vitamin B-Complex with Vitamins B1, B6 and B12 that helps maintain healthy nerves, promote efficient nerve function, and reduce pain in the arms and hands caused by Neuropathy. 

Besides the dance concert, there will also be free nerve clinics, games, and freebies to be given away throughout the day-long event. 

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