'Basyang' Fierce Stories...

So after the torturing heat wave during summer, we were very desperate to have rain. However,  with sudden rainfalls in some areas it brought more bane than boon. And this time we have this new typhoon named 'Basyang' whose winds crated havoc especially with the electricity in the metro. President Noy talked to the weather officials that did not anticipate the damage it will bring to the metro. So far operations of the LRT and MRT have been suspended, but number coding has been lifted. Many homes still don't have electricity  and there were a lot of reports of damages such as uprooted trees and posts, blown roofs and tarpulins and other debris. Classes are suspended yet CHED says suspension for tertiary level is upon the discretion of the school administration. I actually stayed in the office to sleep and do some online stuff. I will not be able to cook since I use a rice cooker. For now, I am still checking on news for any other incidents and accidents caused by the typhoon so stay tuned. 

For now, I think we were caught off guard that this storm was not on its way to the city but had a wide radius with strong winds. Since its already the rainy season, we should not take typhoons lightly again. So far I only get my news from the internet and any available TV source since my phone have that function. Again guys, stay safe, pray, and make sure to do all measures to avoid incidents that can damage properties or injure lives. 

I'll be updating you for any additional information about the storm...
So far here are the news...

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