REEL DEAL: King Arthur Legend of the Sword REVIEW

The Story of King Arthur has been loved and immortalized in many films and stories. Now in this decade, the way to introduce the legend would take an interesting approach  with King Arthur: Legend of the Sword directed by Guy Ritchie, starring Charlie Hunnam and Jude Law.

A medieval yet alternative approach to the classic story, they made a bold statement for the film. Though I am familiar with the story of the knights of the round table, they made bold moves in terms of the plot and how the "texture" of the movie is like. 

You will feel that modern elements are incorporated with the styles such as costumes and dialogues. It felt kinda weird but given you have a story that has been portrayed with thousands of versions, this room for innovation is welcome, yet there are still things they can improve on. This is probably the first time Charlie Hunnam is in a lead role, which he looks well prepared to take the role. I hope this can be a ticket to more possible roles in the future.

King Arthur Legend of the Sword stars Charlie Hunnam, Àstrid Bergès-Frisbey, Djimon Hounsou, Aidan Gillen, Jude Law, Eric Bana. Showing in cinemas  on May 17th.

Deliberation time kids! 

Show summary: Rock Band Kingdom

Technical Effects: 4 out of 5 stars (Gritty yet detailed SFX which works best with action)

Plot: 2 out of 5 stars (Plot has interesting turns but overall not as impressive)

Acting and Actors: 3 out of 5 stars (It seems they incorporated modern elements in acting)

Pros:  Action Scenes, Costumes
Cons: Plot holes, too many alterations to the story

Music and Soundtracks:  3 out for 5 stars (Rock music in medieval times - risky yet sounds good)

Overall: Rating 3.4 out of 5 stars (A rock and roll approach to the beloved classic tale. It was a little risky but I liked the theme it wanted to showcase)

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