Showing posts with label Appliances. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Appliances. Show all posts

Electrolux Clothes and Hugs Wash-a-ton and the Winner of the "My Shirt" Contest

Electrolux is not just a company of robots and machines but also have heart for people in need especially to our fellow Filipino and they have made a unique campaign that helps both the Filipino consumer and also reach out to those less fortunate. Eletrolux had a contest for online bloggers of "My Shirt" which tells the story of loved clothes. With also clothes donated by bloggers at the event will be donated to beneficiaries and promote the spirit of giving and also the promotion of making laundry more fun with electrolux washing machines.

Share your Moment of Celebration and Join the “Live, Love, Firande! Electrolux Photo Contest”

Celebrate with Electrolux Philippines in their 10th Anniversary and get a chance to win an exciting luxury and travel package!

Firande means celebration in Sweden where Electrolux traces its roots and to celebrate 10 thoughtful years in the country, it invites everyone to join the Live, Love, Firande! Photo Contest by sharing their unique moment of Firande through photos – from remarkable achievements and important personal milestones to fun family vacations and exciting getaways with friends. 

To join, visit the “Live, Love, Firande! Photo Contest” tab of the Little White Book Facebook page from April 1, 2012 to May 20, 2012 and fill out the required participant details. Then, submit your Firande photo along with your answer to the question, “what’s worth celebrating to you?” in 50 words or less.

All qualified photo entries will be uploaded in the Live, Love, Firande! photo album of the Little White Book Facebook page and will be featured in a commemorative 10th anniversary advertisement in leading newspapers, magazines and TV seen nationwide. On top of that, the top 3 Firande photos will get a chance to win exciting prizes from Electrolux Philippines including Electrolux appliances and a luxury and travel package! 

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XSTIG: LG Your Lifetime Kitchen Essential

The kitchen serves at the center of your home, a focal point where families start their day and where family and friends gather. An important kitchen essential is the refrigerator, without it, our culinary options to enjoy and store food would be limited. That’s why it is very important that the consumer will be wiser in choosing the perfect refrigerator for you and your family.

Based on the consumer survey, the important factor that consumer is looking for is the “Energy and Health Benefits” that a refrigerator can provide. LG has gone the extra mile in creating a unique core technology by putting the customer at the heart of the equation. With that, LG formulated the “Inverter Linear Compressor” which is proven to be energy compliant for bigger savings.