Showing posts with label Wash-a-thon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wash-a-thon. Show all posts

Electrolux Clothes and Hugs Wash-a-ton and the Winner of the "My Shirt" Contest

Electrolux is not just a company of robots and machines but also have heart for people in need especially to our fellow Filipino and they have made a unique campaign that helps both the Filipino consumer and also reach out to those less fortunate. Eletrolux had a contest for online bloggers of "My Shirt" which tells the story of loved clothes. With also clothes donated by bloggers at the event will be donated to beneficiaries and promote the spirit of giving and also the promotion of making laundry more fun with electrolux washing machines.

Watch the first trailer for M. Night Shyamalan’s thrilling new movie “Trap”

A father and his teen daughter attend a pop concert, only to get caught in the center of a dark and sinister event. Trap is the next new thr...