Showing posts with label Gelli Victor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gelli Victor. Show all posts

World Vision invites you to join its 1st Virtual Run for Children

World Vision in the Philippines has recently launched its 1st Virtual Run for Children. The goal of this event is to promote fitness and health during the community quarantine in the country while raising funds for the benefit of World Vision’s most vulnerable children and communities.

Due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, marginalized Filipino families especially children are the ones most affected. Their basic needs such as food, hygiene, and education are all compromised. By mounting a virtual run, World Vision aims to contribute in addressing these problems. Participants are encouraged to run for a cause that will reach communities all over the Philippines without them having to leave their homes.

"World Vision is excited for its first-ever virtual run for children. It is our prayer that friends and families will be refreshed as they continue supporting the most vulnerable children. In these trying times, we hope that this will also provide them with an enjoyable, safe and healthy way to somehow reconnect in a virtual manner," World Vision National Director Rommel Fuerte said.