Showing posts with label Money Heist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Money Heist. Show all posts

Fan-favorite BERLIN returns

Return to the Scene of the Crime with ‘BERLIN’

Money Heist spin-off Berlin has consistently claimed its spot in Netflix’s top series category since its launch on December 29, 2023 and for good reason: it stars none other than fan-favorite Berlin (Pedro Alonso) and introduces his “old” thrilling crew consisting of code virtuoso Keila (Michelle Jenner), engineering and physics academic Damián (Tristan Ulloa), locksmith Roi (Julio Peña Fernández), gadget and weapon expert Bruce (Joel Sánchez), and enigma Cameron (Begoña Vargas).

Green and “Gento”: SB19 Joins Puregold’s All-Star OPM Lineup

SB19’s fab five of Josh, Pablo, Stell, Ken, and Justin, have officially joined the Puregold family Puregold has officially confirmed its col...