REEL DEAL: The World's Smartest Dog and his Boy in "Mr. Peabody and Sherman" Trailer

Mr. Peabody, the most accomplished dog in the world, and his mischievous boy Sherman, use their time machine—the Wabac—to go on the most outrageous adventures known to man or dog. But when Sherman takes the Wabac out for a joyride to impress his friend Penny, they accidently rip a hole in the universe, wreaking havoc on the most important events in world history. Before they forever alter the past, present and future, Mr. Peabody must come to their rescue, ultimately facing the most daunting challenge of any era: figuring out how to be a parent. Together, the time-traveling trio will make their mark on history.

From DreamWorks Animation and 20th Century Fox, “Mr. Peabody & Sherman (3D)” will open March 2014 in theaters nationwide to be distributed by Warner Bros. in Phils.

HEALTHY LYF: Herbalife’s Top Ten Tips for Healthy Holidays

According to Samantha Clayton, Herbalife’s director of worldwide fitness and education, it’s all about minimizing impact. “No matter where you are on your personal wellness journey, think twice before over-indulging during the next few weeks. My advice is to, at the very least, try to break even and maintain your weight this holiday season. It’s amazing how easy it is to gain weight in such a short amount of time, and although weight gain is an easy as eating a few too many pieces of pie, taking off those pounds come January is a much harder tasks.”

To keep those calories from creeping on this holiday season, Herbalife is sharping these top 10 tips:

Tip 1 – No savings:

Don’t cut down or starve all day to enjoy the party at night. Skipping your breakfast and lunch is a not a good way to avoid weight gain. There are many reasons why this is a good tactic; a drop in sugar level, lack of energy and lack of concentration are just a few of the down galls of the “starve and binge” technique. Chances are, if you wait all day to enjoy the party food, you will consume twice the amount because you will be so hungry.

Tip 2 – Snacks:

Have a healthy protein rich snack before you head out to a holiday party. Filling yourself up on healthy snacks that contain protein will keep you full and stop you from having that extra cup cake.

Tip 3 – Move around:

Use holiday parties as an opportunity to socialize with your friends. Keep walking around and don’t park yourself next to chips and dips. Walking counts as exercise so the more you move the better.

Tip 4 – Dance:

Let loose and dance off the party calories; the extra bonus is that the more time you spend dancing the less time you will spend eating.

Tip 5 – Routing:

Don’t skip your work-outs. The best thing you can do is keep your exercise routine intact. We all know holiday diets can go awry, but if you can at least keep your workouts going it will help.

Tip 6 – Watch your drinks:

Try to avoid drinking too many sweet drinks. It’s amazing how many calories can be hiding in a simple holiday punch. Stay hydrated with water helps.

Tip 7 – Maximize your time with quick fix workouts:

If time is tight try to do a quick 10-minute routine in the morning and another 10 minutes before you go to bed. Simple exercises performed in an interval style will help burn some calories and keep you toed over the holidays.

Tip 8 – Step away from the computer:

Sitting in front of your computer screen looking for that bargain may cost you in the long run. Stay active this holiday season by walking around the shops and carrying bags or boxes doubles up as a workout.

Tip 9 – Make every minute count:

Think active all holiday season. Take the stairs. Park in the furthest spot from the store. Get outside and go for a walk. The more active you are the fewer points you will gain.

Tip 10 – Routine:

Don’t wait until January 1st to start you exercise plan, start today. The sooner you get your body into a positive active and healthy routine the better chance you have of reaching your personal health goals.

Sykes Continues to Dominate and Innovate This 2013

It has been a busy year for the country, and despite the tough times many have been through, there are still a lot to be thankful for the year. The economy continues to grow, thanks to remittances and the BPO industry which gives great opportunities to a strong half-million workforce. As a former agent, it is indeed a fast-paced world where a lot of skills are formed yet you can still find fun and friendship in this very busy world.

There is no doubt that the BPO industry is here to stay, and SYKES PHILIPPINES has been its pioneers which opened a lot of opportunities to many Filipinos. Now more than 15 years in the country and continuing to expand, it has been providing world-class service to worldwide clients.Sykes Philippines has recently opened their Glorietta Site in Makati and continues to be the top call centers in the country. 

Misa De Gallo Diaries 2013: Prayers for Healing (DAY ONE)

The year has been very tragic to many of Filipinos especially to those affected by Typhoon Yolanda, Visayas Earthquake and the Zamboanga Crisis. It would be fitting that the first mass is offered to all those who fell victim to these unfortunate events. And as of this writing, news of the accident which happened on the Skyway is also heartbreaking.

The start of the Simbang Gabi is the most important and challenging of all of the masses since it will be the first and missing it would affect the spiritual momentum. I chose to start with the territorial parish which reminds me that I have to start with where I am first before going to different places. 

Misa De Gallo Diaries 2013

Christmas may come easy to many as it would be the season of festivities  and gifts but has it also come to mind to many about the tradition of Misa De Gallo or Dawn Masses which has been part of the Filipino culture even dating back before the revolution. And if you have been reading MTL for quite some time, these days also mean the start of  having the Misa De Gallo Simbang Gabi Diaries.

Rex Navarrete @ Solaire Resort & Casino!

Fil-Am Rex Navarrete, the 2011 Aliw Awardee for Comedy is back in Manila for a special one night only show!

Navarrete started doing comedy at the age of 19. His portrayals, which ranged from his ESL teacher Mrs. Scott to his Uncle Boy and to Maritess the domestic worker gave him the voice to air his thoughts on issues and speak about things that otherwise wouldn’t be mentioned.

Navarrete gathers all of his material from what he calls “real Rex moments,” reality and shared life experiences. “I think everything has humor; you will always find humor. I don’t always make stuff up. Even though most of my material is geared for a Filipino audience, if you’re smart enough you’ll understand the universality of it”, he explains.

REEL DEAL: Experience An Unprecedented Kind of Real In "Walking With Dinosaurs The 3D Movie"

For the first time in movie history, audiences will truly see and feel what it was like when dinosaurs ruled the Earth.  “Walking with Dinosaurs: The 3D Movie” is the ultimate immersive, big-screen adventure for families.  You’ll meet dinosaurs more real than you’ve ever seen as you embark on a thrilling prehistoric journey, where Patchi, an underdog dino, triumphs against all odds to become a hero for the ages.