Bilibili levels up viewing and content creation experience through Vcreator livestreaming

Hitory Achylz is one of the many virtual content creators (Vcreator) to watch out for on Bilibili

True to its commitment to providing a highly engaged, interactive and sticky video community, Bilibili levels up video viewing and content creation experience to another notch with the introduction of the Vcreator Livestreaming program. Through the Vcreator Livestreaming program, the Vcreators get to engage, have fun, and connect with their fans, while keeping the engagement and the exciting viewing experience of Bilibili users. 

According to Hitory Achylz, one of the up-and-coming Vcreators on Bilibili, “I am a happy content creator on Bilibili and I encourage more creators to try the Vcreator, which makes content creation fun!”

Following the recently launched Bilibili Selected Creators feature, the launch of the Vcreator Livestream program is yet another proactive effort towards enabling a community around aspiring users, high-quality content, talented content creators and the strong emotional bond among them.

Bilibili Selected Creators

Released just this May, the Bilibili Selected Creators feature aims to support aspiring new creators by showcasing their videos on the Bilibili platform for free! Every two weeks, a set of new creators will be selected by Bilibili and will be given the opportunity to increase user views and exposure by pinning their videos on a prominent page on both Bilibili platforms. 

The landing page allows the top creators to pin and highlight their top contents.

According to one of the first Selected Creators of Bilibili, Analyze Anime: “I am a proud creator of Bilibili. They are always in search of new talents, and they are committed to growing together with young creators in the Philippines.” Analyze Anime’s contents can be found in app or website through this link:

Empowering and Incentivizing the Community of High-Quality Content Creators 

To further empower and incentivize high-quality content creators, Bilibili introduces the Bilibili Creator Network, which gives the creators opportunity to gain incentives as well as content production tips and support as they create high-quality video contents. Open to all Bilibili users, the participating creators just need to regularly produce high-quality video contents, find their voice and identity. 

According to Analyze Anime, “Bilibili is not just a platform that offers copyrighted anime series. It is most importantly an aggregator that encourages Filipino creators to express themselves, showcase their creative skills and possibly serve as a platform to become full-scale creators.” 

Bilibili will also shape and nurture this creative space with monthly recognitions like “Creators of the Month” where top creators are ranked and recognized as Valuable Content Creator, High-Quality Creator, Game Master, Rising Star and High Profile Creator. 

So, for those creators looking for a big break or just enjoying various contents by Filipino creators, download Bilibili now via Google Play,  App Store or visit

Follow Bilibili’s official Facebook Page (Bilibili Philippines Facebook) and get updated daily about this new feature on Bilibili!

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