30 years after, there was indeed a lot of changes, his son is the president of the Republic and so was his wife who led in the revolution, his nephew is now a senator and cosplayer (of him). Her daugters have their own family, and most of all her bunso Kris Aquino is the biggest (and most controversial) star in showbiz today. His face is part of the 500 bill (and with his wife on the new bill design in 2010) which is higher than the minimum wage yet still not enough to a family of five decent living for a day. He is named after streets, stadiums, avenues and even a town in Mindanao which is a 4th class muincipality. His killer(s) are still not given their final judgement with some also kept their secret to their own graves.
So, was he trimumphant in his cause? Well in a lot of ways, Yes, but also in a lot of ways, No. Indeed, the late senator was a political prodigy and has made a lot of "quotable quotes" that was resonated by the following of the media with his travails against the reign of the Marcoses which launched the cockfight of Reds and Yellows. And the fight still continues, the Marcoses are also back despite being exiled after the revolution, the faces of both factions are alive, hold positions, and still rich.
The nation is now on its acceleration for economic growth but many are still unfortunate to join the prosperity bandwagon. Either they are not qualified to be part of the growing companies or many remained to be tagged as "urban poor" to enjoy its benefits. Graft and corruption still exists and also in time to what can be the biggest pork barrel scandal by a congresswoman, still at large as of this writing.
30 years has passed and many of us know his patriotic phrase indeed sparks hope that despite the chaotic disposition of the country and the citizens, the Filipinos are still very worthy of sacrifice, Bayanihan as we can call it, is what we share both good and bad. And it is an infinite struggle for all and even mankind.
30 years, beyond the glitz and glamour, the endless eulogy and recognition of Ninoy's martyrdom should not just stop there. Ninoy spoke of lines not just against the the dictatorship, but also a challenge to the Filipino people. Many would say he is one of the best presidents the Philippines never had. But if in case he did, will the country experience a miracoulous transformation? I guess not, because there are still many issues that needs to be fixed and many Filipinos who would not cooperate in bold moves to make that change.
30 years and it is still a struggle for all. Big and small changes, with many came and left, structures and positions fall and established. Its not a perfect country, but still worth dying for like Ninoy had done.
author's note: Blah blah blog is one of the foundations of Manual to Lyf, however it went to many transfers to different platforms and even my other personal blog. But I think that it should be back to its original page, and I hope this would be permanent.
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