TODAY IS WORLD AIDS DAY 2011. I do believe in the power of education and the right choices. And knowing the true facts about HIV/AIDS and how to prevent them. Why need to talk about this? Its because everyday 6 to 8 people are get infected by the still incurable epidemic, and this is just the Philippines!
To spread the awareness I've attended Project Headshot Clinic's new campaign COMMIT at Victoria Court, Malate, Manila. I have participated with the Red Whistle Bloggers' Night which the post also contained useful information for people who want to be tested and contact numbers of agencies one can use if in case of doubt or reassurance being free of the deadly virus before one may spread it to friends and loved ones.
I also got new information about how the virus can spread and shattered the old things about the disease. Better review these facts and share them to family and friends to be informed than be victims of the pandemic and public discrimination.