Showing posts with label AIDS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AIDS. Show all posts

HIV awareness must be made more understandable for young adults

Durex Philippines recently launched its Always Come Prepared
 campaign that aims create HIV awareness and help prevent it.
 Key organizations--UNAIDS, Love Yourself, and advocates
 from the medical field, and Boys Night Out (BNO), joined hands 
with Durex on its mission to curb HIV in the country. 
(L-R) BNO's Slick Rick, Reckitt Benckiser Read for regulatory 
Atty. Ricky Salvador, Sex Therapist Dr. Rica Cruz, 
UNAIDS Country Director for the Philippines Dr. Louie Ocampo, 
Reckitt Benckiser General Manager Chris Ritchie, Infectious Diseases 
Expert Dr. Marion Kwek, Love Yourself and Safe Spaces advocate
 Losif Cadelina, and BNO's Toni Tony and Sam YG.
Only 15 percent of young adults aged 15 to 24 years old have knowledge about HIV prevention, a UNAIDS Philippines study showed. The lack of an extensive sex education in the curriculum is seen as a contributing factor—directly or indirectly—to the country’s high HIV growth rate.

Discussions on the human immunodeficiency virus or HIV have always been done in extremes – either it is too technical and clinical or it is peppered with myths and falsehoods – creating a large disconnect with young adults, the audience who matter the most.

“We believe that education is the best way to prevent HIV, especially among the young adults. If they are equipped with the right knowledge about HIV and its potential risks to their health, we believe that they stand a chance in protecting themselves against the chronic disease,” said (Karol Canlas) Durex Philippines (Brand Manager).

Segundo Matias Jr.'s Mga Batang Poz Tell The Stories Of The Millenial PLHIV

With the rising cases of HIV-AIDS in the country, the need for information about the disease is a need for all as many are still stuck with misinformation, and disgust with the people who are afflicted by this condition. We must first know, that it is a death sentence for them, given that there are treatments and lifetsyle adjustments that can be made that actually makes their live more normal.

Recently, Segundo Matais Jr., author of the book series Moymoy Lulumboy, launched his newest young adult book "Mga Batang Poz" published by Lampara Punlishing House. The book talks about the lives of young people living with HIV and the stories that each have that uncovers the journey and how they are all connected.

Asia-Pacific region facing a ‘hidden epidemic’ of HIV among adolescents, new report finds

The Asia-Pacific region is facing a ‘hidden epidemic’ of HIV among adolescents. There were an estimated 50,000 new HIV infections among adolescents aged 15-19 in 2014, accounting for 15 percent of new infections. There are now around 220,000 adolescents living with HIV in the region, with large cities like Manila, Bangkok, Hanoi and Jakarta hubs of new infections.

Although new HIV infections are falling overall, they are rising among adolescents from key populations, in particular young gay men and other men who have sex with men. The rise in new infections coincides with an increase in risky behaviour, such as multiple sexual partners and inconsistent condom use.

EVENTOLOGY: 0% Fear 100% Love

As part of the World AIDS Sunday you might want to check out this event happening at UST this December 4, 2011. Below is an eposcopal letter to ministers, leaders and the youth. 0% Fear 100% Love

Dear friends,

Greetings in the Lord on this Day 351 of our CBCP Year of the Youth, which is also World AIDS Day!

I trust everyone is still afire with the renewal which our national celebration of the NYD2011 has sparked in us. Our thanks continue to ring to our fellow youth ministers in the FNYO. The ecclesial youth organizations and movements truly are a gift to our Church, and are important partners in the mission.

I write to you now concerning a significant partnership which our commission has made. This is on the issue of HIV-AIDS, something which I believe is not foreign anymore to you, and one that is affecting many of our people, among them young. Our Church, loving Mother that she is, is at the forefront on efforts on this, both internationally and locally. Here in our country, we have the Philippine Catholic HIV-AIDS Network or PhilCHAN: a network of Catholic groups has been formed to be our Church's lead agent in her evangelizing effort on this issue. The Episcopal Commission on Youth is one of those CBCP offices within this network, along with the Episcopal Commissions on Health Care; on Migrants and Itinerant People; and on Social Action, Justice and Peace.

COMMIT to End HIV/AIDS (Headshot and Education)

TODAY IS WORLD AIDS DAY 2011. I do believe in the power of education and the right choices. And knowing the true facts about HIV/AIDS and how to prevent them. Why need to talk about this? Its because everyday 6 to 8 people are get infected by the still incurable epidemic, and this is just the Philippines!

To spread the awareness I've attended Project Headshot Clinic's new campaign COMMIT at Victoria Court, Malate, Manila. I have participated with the Red Whistle Bloggers' Night which the post also contained useful information for people who want to be tested and contact numbers of agencies one can use if in case of doubt or reassurance being free of the deadly virus before one may spread it to friends and loved ones.

I also got new information about how the virus can spread and shattered the old things about the disease. Better review these facts and share them to family and friends to be informed than be victims of the pandemic and public discrimination.


Now with 7 Billion people in the world, the problems also grew like hunger, housing and most especially health. Though many sickness can be cured by medicines today, the HIV/AIDS epidemic remains the most alarming sickness that infects 6 people everyday in the country. And the complications that come with it gives the infected person agonizing pain and also rejection from society.

Now is the perfect time to spread the awareness about HIV/AIDS so that more people may get to know how it is transferred and how to prevent it. 

The Philippines is facing an alarming rise in HIV infection. Six new infections are recorded everyday, an exponential leap from the ‘low and slow’ character of the epidemic before 2007. There are also reports of undocumented HIV-related deaths, a manifestation of the invisibility of the epidemic and its impact. Evidence indicates that the increase is driven by the lack of awareness and appreciation of the risks of HIV infection due to unprotected sex, which is aggravated by fear and stigma that surround the virus and the people living with HIV and AIDS. 

The Red Whistle Campaign is a response to this alarming situation. The emerging trend shows that the current prevention programs are insufficient, and the communities affected by the epidemic must be mobilized into action to support initiatives that aim to stop the epidemic. 

Blah Blah Blogs: The Cure for AIDS is...


Another year passed
another number of people infected
another number of infected people suffering
another number of suffering people perished
when will this end?
how did it started?
why do we need to care?
how will we start?
will there be a cure?
but it will take time
it will take a lot of  our resources
it will take innovations from minds
it will take the cooperation of the people
to educate, prevent and take care of victims
to ensure that there will no more victims
and to make sure that it will never spread
and that person I am referring to, to be 
that advocate and also that 
to share this knowledge to many
so that many would know the real story and 
not rely on myths and gossip, and that person worthy of it

is you.

Do your part
spread the info
not the virus

today is world AIDS day...

It has been decades but still this disease has no cure but still affects millions of people worldwide. Although there has been some reports of a vaccine being formulated, they are still raw and is below 50% success rate. Thus we pray for these research would be more successful in the following time. For now, we still need to continue to prevent and stop its spread all over the world. And here in the Philippines, there are less than 5000 people infected by AIDS, however we should not remain complacent since this can still infect a lot of people. So for this, we support and advocate the continuous efforts for prevention and the research for its cure and also pray for the victims to recover eventually until finally healed. For this day lets tie the red ribbon....