“Filipinos continue to suffer and some eventually die from Covid 19 everyday. There is no proven treatment yet for this although different medications and regimens are being investigated. And the vaccine against the novel coronavirus is not yet available. That is why we are calling for plasma donations from Covid 19 survivors. Their antibodies may help save patients who are still battling the disease, especially the severe and critical cases,” said Dr. Jonas Del Rosario, spokesperson for the Philippine General Hospital.
Known as convalescent plasma therapy, the treatment is a century-old technique that has been tried and tested on numerous illnesses, most recently for diseases such as Ebola, Sars, Mers, and Swine Flu. It involves the transfusion of plasma, the liquid component of blood, from a recovered patient to a sick patient.

Since beginning the experimental treatment very recently, the PGH has received over 90 inquiries with more than 21 passing the criteria and at least 19 having already donated plasma. At least 5 COVID-19 patients were able to receive transfusions.

The plasma donation process for COVID-19 survivors is fairly straightforward. When a prospective donor calls the PGH hotline, he or she is first evaluated over the phone. Once found eligible to donate, PGH personnel will conduct a home visit to get informed consent and a blood sample. After that, the donor is invited to the College of Medicine in UP Manila to donate. For all COVID-19 survivors who want to donate, you may call the PGH hotline at 155-200.
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