Clean Your Colon Better With Fiber Health

Victor Lim, CEO of Spectrum Naturale advocates internal
healthwith Fiber Naturale.
We have to keep in mind that body cleanliness is not only external but also important to look within. It would be easy to correct things we see on the outside rather than the inside. That is why we have to take good care of our internal organs.

The best way to cleam our insides is through the organs which absorbs nutrients and also excretes wastes out of our body, The colon. As food and drinks are processed in our digestive system, the colon is one of the most important organs which makes the final phase and takes in the broken down food and leave out indigestible materials which comes out as waste. 

Fiber is one of them as it sweeps the inside of the colon and pulls in the wastes to be excreted. Thus it has been recommended by many doctors to have a high fiber diet  that has multiple benefits internally. One of the recommended products that has a high fiber composition is Fiber Health.

Fiber Health is distributed by Spectrum Naturale and is available in major drugstores in the country. They are FDA (Philippines) approved which makes sure it is safe and effective. They come in capsules and powdered drink forms which goes well with your everyday diet. Powdered drinks come in Guyabano and Guava.

Aside from colon detoxification also helps enhance your nutrients absorption, helps remove parasites, and gives you billions of probiotic supplements. A clean intestine also means clean absorption.which also means clean blood. Clean blood means healthy organ and clearer skin. Clean colon means clean bloodstreams. Clean bloodstreams means healthy glowing skin. 

It can also help in eliminating bad breath due to constipation as toxic waste remains in your body, gasses rise up to the mouth, giving a person putrid odors in their mouths. It also helps in reducing the risk of Colon Cancer which has affected personalities like Vlogger Wil Dashovich, and former president Corazon Aquino.

Given that we have such a tempting environment of bad food choices, it is really best that we take the first step to better health with the integration of fiber intake in our meals. With Fiber Health, it is now made easy to make that first step. Then we can take more steps and move to better food choices slowly yet surely to be our better selves.

You can start with an initial doses of the fiber capsules with just 155 Pesos and conveniently available in major drugstores like Mercury Drug, Southstar Drug, Watsons, Rose Pharmacy, The Generics Pharmacy, and Rojon Phramacy.

Here are some of the awards Fiber Health has received 

*Most Outstanding Intestinal Care & Probiotic Supplement 2013 
(Philippine Marketing and Business Excellence Council)

*Most Outstanding Natural Colon Detoxification Supplement NATIONAL (2013 NATIONAL CUSTOMERS CHOICE ANNUAL AWARDS for BUSINESS EXCELLENCE)

*Top Choice Intestinal Care Products & Probiotics supplement Brand (2017 PHILIPPINE TOP CHOICE AWARDS)

*Most Outstanding and Trusted Natural Colon Detoxification Supplement (2018 HALL OF FAME, NATIONAL CUSTOMERS CHOICE ANNUAL AWARDS)

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