The movie tells the story of six boys called the VBC (Valley Boys Club), as they spend seven days in Elyu (La Union) to bond and make great memories. The Valley Boys Crew is a barkada comprised of affluent teenagers. Their friendship began as neighbors in an exclusive subdivision and carried on until their third year of collage in a private university.
Their world is turned upside down after a bar altercation sparks their parents’ decision to have them finish their last year of college in different parts of the world. With their looming separation upon them, they embark on their last barkada trip to La Union where their friendship transforms into a real brotherhood.
For G! LU, Vegafria is grateful for having conceptualized a movie that will resonate with the millennial generation.
He says, “I’m sure today’s kids will identify with the different characters they’ll see in the movie, and can relate to all their coming-of-age problems, especially now that mental health issues have become more relevant.”
Vegafria also thanks the Kapuso network for the support that they have accorded him.
He says, “I’m very grateful for the trust and support, to the extent that they have acquired the TV rights for the movie.”
“I’m also very happy for my former Miss World queens – Katarina, Michelle, Maureen, Kimi, Sophia and Chanel – since this is one of their very first movie projects.”
“The local movie industry is definitely on an upswing, and we plan to keep it alive by continuously creating relevant and meaningful content. Hopefully, we at ALV Films can come up with truly unique storylines, and maybe even collaborate with some foreign productions who share our vision for movie magic.”
ALV Films continues to expand their movie projects such as "Because I Love You," "Coming Home," "Malamaya," and "After All," starring Beauty Gonzalez and Kelvin Miranda, and there is also the upcoming film "My Stepmother’s Lover," which stars Sunshine Cruz, Kiko Estrada and Martin del Rosario and expected to be released in June.
G! LU will be in Philippine theaters starting April 24.
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