G! LU Opens Today In Major Local Cinemas

“VBC forever!!!”

This is the battlecry of the Valley Boys Club, the main characters in G! LU, ALV Films’ latest summer release. The tight-knit barkada, comprised of David Licauco, Teejay Marquez, Derrick Monasterio, Kiko Estrada, Enzo Pineda and Ruru Madrid, is about to embark on a major life-changing milestone. 

With school over and the rest of their lives ahead of them, they plunge headlong into the future with their heads held high, secure in the thought that they have each other’s backs — no matter what.

As they enjoy the tail end of their last summer break, they embark on a group trek to La Union, where they celebrate their freedom in wild abandon, meet new friends, fall in love, and even push the limits of the friendship they’ve forged since their childhood years.

In the process, they make meaningful realizations about their pre-conceived notions about success, career and most importantly, self-acceptance.

Is success really defined by worldly measures? Does it take precedence over family? 

How does one grapple with the confusion, anguish and torment in the struggle with one’s sexual identity?

More importantly, just how far would you go to defend or protect a friend? Would you willingly risk or sacrifice your life for him?

Today’s millennials are bound to identify themselves with these crucial issues played up throughout G! LU’s narrative, which also showcases La Union’s scenic destinations all throughout its seamless vignettes that escalate into a surprising twist.

Providing ample support to the male lead stars are Michelle Dee, Katarina Rodriguez, Chanel Morales, Maureen Montagne, Sophia Senoron, Kimi Mugford, Ali Forbes, Ken Anderson, Denver Hernandez and Carl Guevara, with the special participation of Pinky Amador.

G! LU also marks the directorial debut of Philip King, who also wrote the movie’s screenplay.

Produced by ALV Films in cooperation with Rein Entertainment and Benchingko Films, G! LU opens today, April 24, in major cinemas nationwide.

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