Kris Aquino Finally Found True Love

by Vince G. Lopez from the Manila Bulletin.

Her talk shows, movies and telenovelas have endeared Kris Aquino to the hearts of Filipinos both here and abroad. After all, having dubbed “the Queen of all Media” means that whatever Kris says or does, Filipinos will always take notice.

Now, she is starting the year with this announcement: “I finally found true love.”

Her romantic trials and tribulations are among the most well-documented of all Filipino celebrities so this pronouncement can come as a shock to those who have followed her relationship’s ups and downs. The popular host also revealed that this relationship will definitely be beneficial for her, as she knows it will have a long-term positive effect on her life.

“My search is over,” she boldly declares. “I found true love in San Marino.”
Maybe it is not the kind of love story usually associated with Kris, but it’s definitely a relationship that also involves the heart. 

“It didn’t take me a hundred years to find true love. I realized that I am surrounded by it,” explains Kris. 

The Queen of All Media adds that true love is not limited to romantic relationships, as it can also be found in the things that are closest to one’s heart—in this case, it is about her family and how she wants to spend more time with them by living a full and healthy life.

“I want to love more so I want to be healthy. I want to live long, especially for my kids,” says Kris. “It is with this that I am particular with the food I eat. I want to have a healthy heart.”

San Marino Corned Tuna has less oil than the usual tuna flakes in oil and has lots of tuna. “It has Omega-3 DHA which is good for the heart, ” Kris shares.  Every 180-g can of San Marino Corned Tuna has 1,125 mg of Omega-3. Omega-3 DHA contributes to having a healthy heart as it lowers cholesterol and blood pressure, and reduces risks of heart attack and other cardio-vascular diseases. 

When asked why she shifted to San Marino Corned Tuna, Kris says, “I believe in San Marino and what it stands for – good health beyond appearance. I find it deeply satisfying. I won’t settle for anything less than San Marino.”  
“What’s inside is truly more essential, especially when it comes to the food you eat. I like the taste of corned beef, but I also want something that will satisfy more of my nutritional needs. This is why I love San Marino Corned Tuna—it has the delicious taste of corned beef and the health benefits of tuna,” Kris says of her newfound true love.
“For me, it’s simply the best! I join the millions of Filipinos who choose the country’s number one corned tuna.”

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