Give and Love Life at Sangobion Be A Lifesaver at SM Fairview

Nutritional supplement Sangobion, known to cater to the needs of everyone especially women has provided campaigns and events that promotes an active and healthy lifestyle. And as they close the year, they went with a different yet meaningful event held recently at SM City Fairview. 

As culmination of the Sangobion Go Love Life! campaign, Sangobion launched the "Be A Lifesaver" Campaign held at the SM City Fairview Annex Activity Center was a great venue where the public can walk in and register if they want to donate blood for the Philippine National Red Cross (PNRC) which has been actively campaigning for blood donations to help save lives which requires blood transfusion. In line with the idea of women loving life and taking care of themselves, the campaign aims to create a network of women who support each other's pursuit for the best in life.

As volunteers for the blood-letting commences, they are also graced with the presence of executives of Merck, model-blogger and Sangobion ambassador Kelly Misa, and singer-host Karylle. Kelly Misa shared her experience when she started using Sangobion which held her to be more active and energetic with the boost of her health. Karylle serenades the crowd with her song from her album 'K' which recently got a Gold Record Award and also an active celebrity with shows, endorsements, music albums and even musical performances keeping her busy yet keeps that glow by using Sangobion.

They have accumulated 150 bags as of 5:30 PM during the event proper and the lines of donors grew which made the launch successful and at the same time helped ensure lives with the blood bags they have gathered.

Sangobion and the Philippine Red Cross are happy with the outcome of their effort to help more women Go Love Life by giving them better access to safe and healthy blood through this blood-letting activity and would be a regular event partnership. You can also learn more about Sangobion and Blood Donation at their Facebook page or visit their website at

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