REEL DEAL Movies and Television: X-men First Class

The world of X-men is one of my favorite things I love even when I was still a kid. The vast number of characters and personalities that shroud each character makes is appealing to everyone. And with the x-men movie series, there are also high hopes to give justice to plot and the characters.Though some of you was very disappointed with X3: the last stand. X-men first class is the Marvel's redemption from it. 

X-men first class tells the story of the two most prominent and former best friends Charles Xavier (Professor X) played by James McAvoy and Erik Lensherr (Magneto) played by Michael Fassbender. And with the appearances of mutants like Sebastian Shaw, Emma Frost, Azazel, Banshee, Angel , and a young Mystique. But also be surprized for another cameo of a Marvel favorite in the film. I know this would be a spoiler but to save you the hassle of waiting until the final credits, that there is no easter egg at the end. However, the movie itself promises a sequel.

In the movie, the questions about their past and the history of the Xavier School is revealed with the first class facing a world wide crisis. The rise of the brotherhood of evil mutants, and change of affiliations and the evolution of the more mutants and their personalities. The scenes of family and memories are so touching that almost made me cry, a thing that action films tries but fail to present. As of the moment we hope to see a sequel rather than the rumored X4. As it also awaken the mutant in each one of us, it was able to capture our imagination and our hearts.

Deliberation time kids!
Movie summary in 3 lines: MUTANT AND PROUD
Technical Effects: 3 out of 5 stars (though the timeline is set in the 70's, some of the effects seems vintage too)
Plot 4 out of 5 stars (answers all questions about their past and their present)
Popcornmeter (the rating if this movie would make you hungrier while watching) 3 out of 5 (i hope your stomach does not mutate, lol)
Acting and Actors 4 out of 5 stars (James McAvoy, though not bald is perfect for professor X!)
DVD worthiness 5 out of 5 stars (But must be separate from the other X-men trilogy)
Sequel worthiness 5 out of 5 stars (X-men Business Class perhaps?)
Overall Rating 4 out of 5 stars (the x-men movie so far!)

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