Misa De Gallo Diaries 2012 - DAY 1 - PREPARATION

For the first night (dawn) of the Misa De Gallo Diaries 2012, I started with the Archdiocesan Shrine of the Divine Mercy. This church has been a special church for me for many answered prayers and good news that happened while hearing mass at this shrine. This is also where one of the relics of St. Faustina can be found. 

The first night of Simbang Gabi also falls on the 3rd Sunday of Advent which is Gaudete Sunday or the "week of joy" which tells about the joy that the coming of the mesiah is bringing. And in the readings for this day talks about rejoicing with the coming of the Lord. 

The first dawn mass was not easy as I came from events with food, some booze, and almost endless videoke. But I know that I have to never forget the first day of the Simbang Gabi. And while waiting for the time, I did not actually slept just to make sure I do not oversleep. And as I start this tradition by my own again, I do want it to be personal as possible. I am actually happy to have taho before the mass which invigorates me and gives me that sugar rush during the mass to prevents me from sleeping. After the mass, that is when I felt the need to hit the sack. I actually woke up at 330 PM! I'm now looking forward for the next  days of the Misa De Gallo! I hope you will join me in this one!

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