With this imbalance treatment, violence and disputes arise. Thus the peaceful nature of the community is broken as well as the bonds that once were strong. Though we can define peace as not just the absence of conflict but also the sense of trust it brings to the person. if there is no peace? This is one truth that we are thankful that several parts of the world only enjoy. Unfortunately, not everybody savor this necessity, we sometimes forget that we may sleep soundly in our beds but some where in the world, but also here in the country, war still wages and makes them unable to sleep at night due to fear for their lives and loved ones. There are also rampant discrimination and prejudice among certain minorities for example our muslim bretheren. With this imbalance treatment, violence and disputes arise.

There are also rampant discrimination and prejudice among certain minorities for example our muslim bretheren. With this imbalance treatment, violence and disputes arise. Thus the peaceful nature of the community is broken as well as the bonds that once were strong. Though we can define peace as not just the absence of conflict but also the sense of trust it brings to the person. Now as you and me are part of the digital age where everything is just a click away. People have theier eyes glued to facebook, twitter and other social networking sites. As a blogger, this is my power and responsibility to send my thoughts and opinions to the world. And promoting peace here at MTL maybe just a small step but will echo into other minds. This September 21, you can make a difference...
What you can do?
- BECOME A FACILITATOR and attend the training on September 17, 2011. Facilitators will help during the Mass Videoconference and be given free PeaceTech shirts. (details here)
- Attend and BLOG THE MASS VIDEOCONFERENCE on September 21, 2011 at PUP Sta. Mesa (pls confirm with Zabra Yu Siwa at zabra@peacetech.net or text/call 0917-562-2795)
- MAKE A BLOG POST on September 21 and talk about peace and why it is important. We encourage you to discuss about the importance of peace in Mindanao.